Fishers Rotary names Rotarian of the Year


Scott Tornquist is the Fishers Rotarian of the Year, according to an announcement from the Rotary Club of Fishers.

Tornquist was chosen by fellow Rotary members largely because of his work with SAWS, or Servants at Work, for the past eight years.

According to the announcement, SAWs was founded in 2003 by Rik Haggerty, a member of Second Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis. The goal was to build ramps for those with wheelchairs and walkers to easily access their homes. Rotarian and church member Wayne Brown bridged the connection with Fishers Rotarians, and Tornquist has since taken over as SAWS project manager.

“That position means visiting each prospective client, creating ramp drawings and materials lists, and setting up a volunteer sign-up,” the announcement states. “(Tornquist) led eight projects in 2022, while still working full time. Now semi-retired, he hopes to lead 20 ramp projects in the 2023 season.”

Tornquist recalls a woman who is blind who received a ramp.

“She was thrilled that not only could she leave the house safely, but she could now simply sit outside and feel the warmth of the sun,” he said, adding that the projects fit Rotary’s motto of Service Above Self, “providing freedom to people otherwise trapped in their homes due to physical limitations and the absence of financial resources to mitigate the barriers.”

Tornquist has inspired at least 30 Fishers Rotarians, along with their friends and family members, to participate in SAWS projects each year, according to the announcement.

Those interested in learning more about SAWs or in volunteering can call 317-844-7664 or visit
