Letter: Importance of the operating referendum



The upcoming operating referendum impacts every Carmel resident, whether you currently have children attending our schools. It pertains to the heart of what makes Carmel exceptional: the commitment to excellence in education.

First, let’s start with the fact that the operating referendum rate is not changing. The 19 cents per $100 of assessed value is not a new tax or an increase. It’s a continuation of the support that has fostered our growth and success since the operating referendum first passed in 2010. Your vote ensures we can maintain the high standards of education that have become synonymous with Carmel Clay Schools.

The community support for our kids is undeniable. Two things keep me up at night, however. One is the complexity of the ballot question. To some, it could appear the tax rate has increased or is new. Please visit our website to better understand the question before voting.

The second culprit in my sleepless nights is the fear of apathy. There are some scary stats on voter participation. Don’t assume others have it covered. Those who are against things always vote! So please support CCS on or before Nov. 7.

Lastly, please reflect on the broader implications of this referendum. It gives our dedicated educators the tools and support needed to continue their invaluable work. As the nation faces a critical teacher shortage, we must sustain the current level of funding to recruit and retain the best educators for our students.

Let us stand as a united community in support of our children. By doing so, we ensure that Carmel Clay Schools remains a beacon of educational excellence and a place that instills pride in us all. Questions? Email [email protected].

Michael Beresford, superintendent of Carmel Clay Schools
