Peterson bids for fifth term on Fishers City Council


Pete Peterson is set to run for a fifth term on the Fishers City Council. The Republican, who represents the Southeast District, is unopposed in the May 2 primary. No Democrat has filed to run.

“We have done great things in Fishers while I have been on council, and there is still more to do,” Peterson said. “It is important to me to leave (my community) in a better place than I came into it, so I feel there is still more good I can do for our residents.”

In his first race for council, Peterson said he was focused on getting the city to have a better sense of “who they were and not just let economic development happen, but to shape that development around a focused plan.

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“While the planning and focus has absolutely occurred, we (the mayor and other councilors) still have work to get done. We need to finish executing on our vision,” he said.

Peterson said he brings experience and leadership to the table.

“I don’t generally mix words and I’m known to be very straightforward, and I don’t like sitting around and discussing ideas ad nauseam for talk’s sake,” Peterson said. “I have been a long-standing member of the Fishers Planning Commission, a board member of Launch Fishers/IOT Lab since its inception, Not for Profit Committee, and chair of the 2040 planning committee.”

Although Peterson will not face an opponent in the primary, he said it’s still important for residents to vote, even in uncontested races, because it’s the “right thing” to do.

“Simple answer is it is our duty to vote. Many men and women have sacrificed their lives for our right to vote,” Peterson said. “That was something instilled in me by my father, and I have passed this along to my kids as well. As for municipal elections, we generally have a much lower turnout than the national elections. This has always baffled me because your local elected officials affect the citizens’ daily life every day, where the federal officials can’t say this.”
