Stoller aims for third term on Fishers City Council


When Selina Stoller first ran for Fishers City Council was in 2014, when Fishers transitioned from a town to a city. She successfully ran again in 2019 and is poised to run for her third term.

Stoller, a Republican, is the Northwest District incumbent.

CIF COM 0307 StollerCouncil pic

“My motivation to run for office has always been to serve the community,” Stoller said. “I enjoy serving residents by listening to their concerns and being a leader on the council to meet the needs of the City of Fishers. It has been a blessing to be a part of the process of providing new parks and restaurants, attracting new businesses to our community and working with residents to solve important issues.”

Stoller does not have an opponent in the May 2 primary. She is set to run against Democrat Bill McLellan in the general election in November.

Stoller was council president in 2021, and one of her goals that year was to establish a rules committee for the council.

“We accomplished most of the work for this in 2021, and it was passed and implemented in the first quarter of 2022,” she said.

Her main goal for a third term is to “help maintain and continue to develop a community that invites all to live, work, and play.”

“The foremost role of local government is to serve the residents, which is accomplished by working with police, fire, and public works to provide fundamental services,” Stoller said. “Another goal of mine is to continue to support fiscally responsible economic development to provide jobs and services to maintain Fishers as a smart, vibrant, and entrepreneurial community.”

Stoller holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Purdue University and an MBA from Western Governor’s University. She previously worked in I\investment banking, where some of her responsibilities included providing consulting services regarding distressed assets and planning and managing for private equity funds, specializing in asset allocation, incorporating non-traditional investments in a portfolio, and targeting a minimally acceptable return.

“Currently, I am a business development executive who develops a path from product-market fit to systematically growing revenue through sales processes and strategic development,” she said.
