Opinion: Sock it to me


Commentary by Ward Degler

Hopefully, it will never find its way to social media, but I think there is a photo floating around out there of me with a sock on my ear. But, in the event it does surface, I want you to know why.

Because of my recent illness, I have to sleep on my right side. As a result, my right ear spends the night pancaked into my pillow. Over the ensuing weeks, it has gotten crushed, and it hurts. I needed something to buffer the ear, to keep it from collapsing under the weight of my head in the pillow.

Hence, the sock. It’s a black Gold Toe sock, rolled up and fitted like a doughnut over my ear. Result: pain-free sleeping.

A note or two about the sock itself. For the past 25 years or so, I have bought only Gold Toe socks. For a long time, they were made in America and were arguably the best-quality socks in the world. I think they are made elsewhere now, but so far the quality holds.

I’m not sure what happened in the sock industry, but after my high school years when all us guys wore flashy argyle socks, there was a subtle shift in sockworld. We were a carefree bunch back then and it was a surprise to see a part of the footwear industry suddenly get serious about itself.

There were exotic new fabrics and designs. Serious discussions ensued over the merits of ankle-length versus over-the–calf lengths. I stuck with ankle-high Gold Toes.

As I said, it is doubtful the photo will show up. I would like to keep it that way because a guy with a sock hanging from his ear isn’t something you see every day, and I’m not a photo-shoot model to begin with.

It isn’t just the sock, either. The rolled up part is over my ear, but the toe part hangs down the side of my head. I look like a Bassett hound. And a Bassett hound with a sock on its ear would be cruelty to animals.
