Noblesville Common Council member Megan Wiles was elected as the council’s president for 2022 during a Jan. 4 reorganizational meeting. Council member Aaron Smith was elected vice president.
“This year we will see a lot of projects begin to come to fruition and I am excited to be in my new role as they happen,” Wiles stated. “We have a lot of major developments happening this year throughout the city and we have a lot to be proud of. I can’t wait to continue to work for the people of Noblesville and make this the best community to live, work and play in.”
Wiles is in her second term on the council. She previously was the council president in 2017. Wiles is a Noblesville High School graduate and earned her bachelor’s degree from Ball State University. She is the executive director of the Riverview Health Foundation and previously served as president of Legacy Fund for the Community Foundation for Hamilton County.
“I am excited for Megan and look forward to working collaboratively with her, and the entire common council in 2022,” Noblesville Mayor Chris Jensen stated. “Our strong working relationship will prove helpful as we prepare for a year of construction, improved connectivity and prosperity in our city.”
Wiles represents District 6, which encompasses much of Noblesville’s east side, including Stony Ridge, Sagamore, Chapel Woods, Stony Creek Highlands, Deer Path and the business areas of Stony Creek Marketplace and Hamilton Town Center.
Committee assignments
Council committee assignments were also determined during the reorganization meeting:
Building/land acquisition – Darren Peterson (chair), Brian Ayer, Mike Davis and Pete Schwartz.
Downtown district – Aaron Smith (chair), Darren Peterson, Megan Wiles and Brian Ayer.
Economic development – Greg O’Connor (chair), Megan Wiles, Aaron Smith and Mark Boice.
Finance – Mike Davis (chair), Greg O’Connor, Darren Peterson and Aaron Smith.
Parks – Pete Schwartz (chair), Aaron Smith, Dan Spartz and Megan Wiles.
Public safety – Mark Boice (chair), Brian Ayer, Mike Davis and Pete Schwartz.
Roads/traffic/engineering – Brian Ayer (chair), Mark Boice, Greg O’Connor and Dan Spartz.
Wastewater – Dan Spartz (chair), Greg O’Connor, Mike Davis and Mark Boice.
Nominating – Megan Wiles (chair), Aaron Smith and Darren Peterson
In special appointments, Ayer and Peterson were selected for the architectural review board and Wiles appointed the cultural arts district liaison.