Westfield Parks & Rec board appointed


The board of directors tasked with oversight of Westfield’s newly created Parks and Recreation Department has been appointed.

The city announced the appointments of the inaugural board May 21. According to a news release, the board is comprised of “a diverse group of community leaders dedicated to enhancing recreational opportunities and green spaces within the City of Westfield.”

The board is made up of four mayoral appointees and one ex-officio appointee made by the Westfield Washington School District. Mayoral appointees are Mike Antrim, Kurtis Baumgartner, Julia Grimmer and LeAnne Zentz. The school board appointee is Mike Hall.

The appointees bring expertise in areas such as community engagement, law, strategic planning and recreation programming, according to the city.

“We are thrilled to welcome our new Board of Directors to Westfield Parks and Recreation,” Mayor Scott Willis stated. “Their dedication to our community and their diverse backgrounds will bring fresh perspectives and ideas to our organization, ensuring that we continue to provide high-quality recreational opportunities for all residents of Westfield.”

The Westfield Parks and Recreation Board of Directors will hold their first meeting in mid-June.
