Carmel working on 311 program to streamline issues reported by community


The City of Carmel is working to make it easier for residents and visitors to report problems or concerns in the community.

Carmel Mayor Sue Finkam said the city plans to introduce a 311 program late this year or in early 2025 that will streamline the process for reporting missing signs, potholes or similar issues through an email, text or phone call.

The city already has options for reporting these types of issues, Finkam said, but they aren’t always intuitive or easy to use.

“We have numerous ways and channels in which to communicate with people, including social media,” Finkam said. “We want to be able to capture all that in a program that we can track and trend and be super responsive.”

The new program will also make it simpler for the city to manage and respond to issues reported by the community at the back end.

“We want to find a way to make it easy,” Finkam said.

The program could also allow users to opt-in to receive short surveys from the city regarding specific issues, Finkam said.

The city is in the early stages of researching the program, Finkam said, so it is unknown how much it will cost.
