Letter: Policy exposes kids to adult books



I’m a frequent user of the Fishers Library and I enjoy perusing the new sections, both fiction and nonfiction. I’ve also kept abreast of the brouhaha about moving young adult literature to the adult sections. Ironically, today I noticed that books moved from the YA section are now sitting next to even more inappropriate adult literature. If the purpose of moving these books is to protect kids, the library is doing a miserable job. For instance, in the fiction section there was a YA romance novel next to an adult gay romance novel. In nonfiction, “The 1619 Project” was sandwiched between two YA books, something that would probably strike fear in the hearts of the ultra-conservative if they knew.

Teens can now happily peruse and check out material intended for adults, all thanks to the short-sightedness of our library board.

Pamela Jackson, Noblesville
