Opinion: Skipping school


That second COVID-19 vaccine is no joke! I recently received mine, and despite my “I’ll be fine” and “Everyone else is weak” proclamations, it was never a real contest. Moderna 1, me 0. I felt so terrible I actually took a sick day! I know! For you non-educators out there, this is tantamount to publicly admitting defeat to your worst enemy in your underwear. You just don’t do it, ever. It’s too much work preparing for a substitute who probably won’t be able to carry out your instructions, anyway, assuming you’re even feeling well enough to pull those worthless plans together. To give you some perspective, I haven’t called in sick in probably seven years, though I’ve certainly been ill enough to warrant it. It’s simply easier to push through.

But I knew about 12 hours after “the shot” that my near-perfect attendance was about to be flushed down the toilet. First, the intense chills and body aches hit, followed by a decent fever and a general sense of awfulness. For a brief moment, I thought maybe I could Zoom from home, but then quickly conceded defeat. If I couldn’t summon the strength to watch Netflix or whisper a thank-you to my husband when he thoughtfully brought me ginger ale, how was I supposed to explain the complexities of Reaganomics? No, I would not be doing any form of teaching in my condition.

So, I informed the pedagogical powers-that-be, curled up on the couch, and … endured, reminding my pitiful self that this flu-like misery was still far better than contracting COVID-19.

Go vaccinated, friends. Even if that second body blow necessitates a sick day.

Peace out.
