Local women’s organization continues to grow


A grassroots effort to plant a local chapter of a national volunteer women’s organization in Carmel is now in full bloom. And it didn’t take long.

Less than two years after founding the Carmel National Charity League with 11 members, co-presidents Jen Goehl and Jen Hare have been pleased to watch the nonprofit’s membership swell to 125. Their goal is to cultivate further growth for a volunteer group comprised of mothers and daughters that serves the community in a variety of ways.

“The most rewarding part of being a part of NCL, for me, is watching mothers and daughters from across the community coming together to intentionally seek out opportunities to give back to our community at large,” Goehl said. “To see a room full of moms and daughters gathering for a purpose bigger than themselves can literally bring tears to my eyes.

“I am proud of these moms and daughters for committing to an idea that Jen Hare and I had and trusting in us.”

A national philanthropic organization of mothers and daughters who volunteer nearly 3 million hours annually to more than 6,000 charities in the U.S., the National Charity League has chapters in 30 states. Goehl and Hare founded the Carmel chapter in April 2019. 

Since July 2019, the Carmel NCL has volunteered more than 1,000 hours serving the local community, ranging from park and trail to cleanup to participating in virtual fundraising walks for the American Heart Association fundraisers to collecting items and sorting goods for the Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank.

Carmel NCL members also have assisted veterans with send-offs for Indy Honor Flights; planned and participated in activities for residents at The Stratford retirement community; supported active military and their families by writing letters to service members and assembling care packages; collected books for the Indy Book Project; and helped unload and sort personal care and hygiene products at Dotted Line Divas, a care pantry for families in need.

“Living in the same community that you are giving back (to) is such a great way to see the differences we are making as a chapter,” Hare said. “In addition, the leadership skills the girls develop along the way open many doors as they move through high school and beyond.

“It’s so inspiring watching them blossom into leaders within their schools and community.”

To join the Carmel chapter, email Elizabeth Warren at [email protected]. For more on the NCL, visit nationalcharityleague.org.
