Fishers council approves budget, salary ordinance


The Fishers City Council unanimously approved the 2021 budget and salary ordinance during its Oct. 19 meeting.


Mayor Scott Fadness presented the budget at the September meeting, where he alerted the council that income tax revenue rose nearly 11 percent instead of decreasing 1.8 percent as originally estimated. As a result, the 2021 budget increased to $117,593,636. Within the total budget, there was an operating capital of $94.9 million and a debt service of $22.68 million. The city’s cash reserves are $35,799,252 million.

After the income tax revenue adjustments were made, changes also were made to the 2021 salary ordinance, which city controller Lisa Bradford presented during the meeting. Changes include a 3 percent salary increase to all city employees and elected officials, a $500 bonus to employees and the return of the PTO buy-back program, which was removed earlier this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new budget numbers also allows for the hiring of a firefighter, patrol officer, forensic analyst and two full-time inspectors/code enforcement employees in 2021.

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