Lawrence chamber conducts weekly cruise-in car show


The Greater Lawrence Chamber of Commerce is conducting a free weekly cruise-in car show .

Chamber President Brad Klopfenstein said Fortville previously conducted a cruise-in show on Wednesday nights, but it became a “victim of its own success” because of a parking issue.

“It would bring so many people to Main Street that the retailors started complaining about there being no parking for the customers,” Klopfenstein said. “So, people were already accustomed to it being on the northeast side, and I thought what a great place to do it.”

Klopfenstein began organizing the weekly events on Lawton Loop near Fort Benjamin Harrison.

“There’s plenty of space to spread out and there’s not an issue with parking,” he said. “It’s a great setting. I just started it to see if there was any interest in it, and we’ve had great success. We are getting a lot of cars coming from all over central Indiana.”

On average, 25 to 30 cars are shown each week. Any car can be shown, and registration isn’t required. The event is from 5 to 8 p.m. on Wednesdays.

So far, there aren’t any vendors, although Porter Books and Bread sometimes sells sandwiches and soft drinks because the business is near the cruise-in. The chamber also encourages people to visit local restaurants near Lawton Loop after they look at the cars.

“It’s a good way to bring people in to Lawrence as a retail setting, but also (is) another thing for the community to visit and enjoy,” Klopfenstein said. “It’s come as you will and bring what you’ve got, but it’s a free event.”

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