Letter: Trump’s style the least of our problems



Since the beginning of his presidency, partisan Republicans have exhorted us to look beyond Trump’s style and consider his policies and deeds. They pointed to the economy and court appointments as evidence that everything would just be fine if we embraced full-out Trumpism. So, what if he is blunt, impolite, even a bully? Just believe his snake oil sales pitch that all his unstatesmanlike behavior is an asset in these uncertain times. Consider him a man who calls things like he sees it and is not another Washington politician, albeit, one who has occupied the Oval Office for going on four years now.

I have had enough of these suggestions. Reducing Trump’s exhausting list of incompetency and moral failures to issues of style is dishonest. Racism is not a style. Corruption is not a style. Misogyny is not a style. Telling two dozen lies a day is not stylish, either. Scratch the surface of Trump’s inappropriate behavior and you will find things that are far worse than his comb-over, orange makeup and long ties that he thinks make him look slim.

During this administration, I have developed a growing respect for never-Trumpers — the honest, authentically patriotic Republicans who call out Trump’s bad acts and racist, self -serving policies. They give me hope that something good may rise up from the ashes of this administration. Until then, I will continue to tune Trump out, be a good consumer of news and wear my face mask when I vote in the primary on June 2.

Barbara Maurath, Fishers
