Letter: Letter misquotes Patton



I am amazed at the lack of honesty of some letters to the editor. I went to one of these individual’s home about his previous letter. He misquoted me numerous times and further makes statements that are inaccurate and misleading. I was giving him the courtesy that he never afforded me, to sit down with me and ask me questions. I did not go to change his mind on who he supports, but merely give him the courtesy as a citizen who is interested in listening to all voices.

I gave him the opportunity to ask me about my 10 reasons that I have posted on my Facebook page and at troypatton.com, and he declined merely stating, “Jim is a friend of mine and we do not need another City Councilor….”  That I can respect, misquoting me after we spoke is disrespectful, misleading and dishonest.

He was incorrect on many points. Here are a few of the many: CPA’s work in municipal finance and even though some things are different, the end goal is to spend less than you take. Further, if you spend more than you take, you are actually losing money, even if you get more tax revenues in another time period. Westfield continues to enjoy low interest rates, as all interest rates are low in this financial environment. Read the 10 reasons yourself, I am happy to discuss each of them in a civil manner whether you agree or disagree.

Troy Patton, Westfield
