Last year, state Sens. John Ruckelshaus and Greg Taylor were discussing support for a “Hate crimes” bill. This year, the bill has been heard in committee hearings and was set to go until an amendment was added deleting the “list” to a “bias” crime bill. I support the latter. In making a list of groups of people to protect from discrimination, most likely someone will be left out unless you add subtitles under the race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, gender identity and the LGBT. Did I get the list correct? Did I include everyone? See how difficult this is? There should be one or two words in the bill to be a “catch-all” for all Hoosiers.
Now, speaking of hate, I have never experienced more hateful affiliations, associations, abuse, bullying, lies, threats, harassment, disrespect, hostility, prejudice, animosity, and the list goes on, toward our president. Our president is experiencing the true meaning of hate from a percentage of our American and non-American populace. We should add his name to the list if our Indiana Legislature is going to vote on a “list.”
Mari Briggs, Sheridan