Letter: Carouselgate: The Final Chapter



Whether you were for or against the carousel and luxury hotel, what seems like a split decision was actually a win for all Carmel residents in at least three ways:

1) The debate sparked a community conversation about spending priorities as well as who makes spending decisions and how those decisions are made.

2) We learned quite a bit about our council representatives in the process, starting with who they are and how to contact them.  Most important was how they responded to citizen concerns, or if they chose not to respond.

3) Since we’ve been assured that we can easily meet our debt obligations, we now get to break out the wish lists.  If we can afford $15 million for a luxury hotel and $8 million for a German Christmas market, it’s hard to turn down other projects that benefit the community as a whole. I’d start by asking the police and fire departments if there is anything they need, then on to the parks and streets departments. I’d then go to Carmel citizens and ask what they suggest, and let me be first in line: How about a pedestrian overpass over 136th street for Carmel High School students?

Dr. Tim Hannon, Carmel
