Zionsville Community Schools adds student services director


By Desiree Williams

In June, Zionsville Community Schools approved a new position of student services director. Job responsibilities include evaluating school counseling programs across the district and participating on the steering committee for the Strong in Every Way campaign.

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Maggie Ioannacci will initiate the role for ZCS. She has 10 years of experience with ZCS as a counselor at Union Elementary.

“I have always loved working with young people and their families,” she said. “I consider this my personal mission. It is what I did as the counselor at Union Elementary and it is exactly what my new role will allow me to do at the district level of ZCS.”

Ioannacci said ZCS Supt. Scott Robison was searching for someone with administrative and counseling experience to develop the new role.

“(He) asked me to move to this new position in support of our district’s Strong in Every Way campaign, the upcoming renewal of our K-12 counseling curriculum and necessary coordination in important areas like drug abuse prevention, suicide prevention and social and emotional learning,” she said.

She will be the coordinator of the Cultural Understandings and Assets and Resources domains of the Strong in Every Way campaign. This position will also allow Ioannacci to work directly with students and parents to produce conversation and focus groups.

“I will be interacting directly with parents and students on many occasions, and I will work with faculty and staff, provide trainings and do a number of planning and implementing tasks that will serve students by helping them have adult supports and learn grit and resiliency,” she said.

Ioannacci will work in all schools throughout the district. Her new role begins at the end of July.

“I’m most looking forward to combining my school counseling experience with students and the creation of a parent and community system for helping our young people grow,” Ioannacci said.
