Letter: Raise it for Health calls for cigarette tax increase



I’m calling on our state legislators to make 2017 the year for health in Indiana. The best way they can do that is by embracing the “Raise It For Health” campaign, which calls for raising the cigarette tax and restoring funding for tobacco prevention and cessation programs.

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in Indiana with more than 11,000 Hoosiers succumbing to smoking-related diseases every year. More than 20 percent of Hoosier adults are addicted smokers, but studies show that more than half of those would like to quit.

This two-pronged approach of higher prices and more resources has a proven track record in other states of helping people quit smoking and saving lives. Let’s make Indiana a healthier place to live and work. Let’s raise it for health.

Holly Wheeler
Program coordinator, Smoke-free Hamilton County
