Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness hosts 12th annual Mayor’s Breakfast for Scouting March 1


By Anna Skinner

City and scouting officials, business owners, Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts, among others, attended Mayor Scott Fadness’s 12th annual Breakfast for Scouting March 1.

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Scout Executive Patrick Sterrett introduces Cub Scout Drake Kane to the crowd. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

Scouting Executive Patrick Sterrett introduced Cub Scout Drake Kane and Eagle Scout Dan Young to present to the crowd about what Scouting means to them.

“Fishers has a really strong vibrant Scouting community,” Sterrett said. “We are absolutely thriving, and 2016 was the best year in maybe a decade for this (Scouting) council. We continue to try and change. One of those big changes is having STEM Scouts. STEM Scouts have the same values of Scouting, character, citizenship and fitness, and the education side of Scouting. Instead of focusing on merit badges, it focuses on science, technology, engineering and math. It is co-ed.

“We are really proud of the things we are doing in this community and across our entire council.”

Kane was the first Scout to present. He is in second grade and a Wolf with Pack 130.

“There are nine other guys in my Wolf Den,” Kane said. “My dad was an Eagle Scout. At (Camp) Belzer, I like archery, BB guns, rafting and crafting. I hope to be an Eagle Scout.”

Dan Young is a senior at Hamilton Southeastern High School and a member of Troop 199.

“When I first joined Scouting, I was extremely small and extremely quiet. I didn’t talk to a whole lot of people,” he said. “That just shows what the program does for people like me. Scouting has taught me leadership skills. You get a lot of training with that. I’ve worked with so many different kinds of kids. You get to really learn how to lead and lead a troop. It gives you the most unique experiences you’ll ever have in your life.”

Fadness also spoke.

“One constant we can all agree upon is the impact of one adult role model in a child’s life can be very positive,” Fadness said. “I think it’s a right thing and appropriate thing to rally around an organization like the Boy Scouts. What are the tools and skillsets you are going to need to be successful in this ever-changing world?”

The total raised at the breakfast was $23,265.
