Whitestown officer making progress in Guillian-Barre recovery

Guests gather at a fundraiser Nov. 5 for Sgt. Dan Boutwell. (Submitted photo)
Guests gather at a fundraiser Nov. 5 for Sgt. Dan Boutwell. (Submitted photo)

By Chris Bavender

It’s been a long road for Sgt. Dan “Big Dan” Boutwell since he woke up one morning last May paralyzed from the neck down because of Guillian-Barre syndrome, a rare disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks the nerves.

Although the prognosis for recovery can be up to two years, Boutwell – who is already walking again with the aid of leg braces and a walker – said he’s exceeding expectations.

“They said on average it takes one and a half to two years to recover, to walk and do everything,” he said. “I am totally walking, and it’s only been seven or eight months. You just have to push yourself. Everyone is so different. I just happen to have been really physically strong before. Some never come back.”


Boutwell is undergoing physical therapy three times a week and has not been able to return to work. So the community wanted to return the favor to the man who has served it for 22 years with a ham and bean fundraiser at Celestial Lodge 525 Nov. 5.

“He was a member and he always served the community with the police department and always looked after us and is a nice guy who fell on bad times,” Lodge Worshipful Master  Dennis Tuder said. “He’s just an all-around nice guy and a real help to the community.”

Approximately 450 people (some of whom Boutwell said he hadn’t seen in years) turned out for the fundraiser, and money continues to come in to help offset Boutwell’s medical bills. Tuder hopes to have a final tally soon.

“It’s pretty awesome. Not a whole lot of neighborhoods that will do that for a police officer,” Boutwell said. “But to come out and do that is pretty outstanding.”

Boutwell hopes to return to the police department in January on light duty in the Detectives Division.

“I did that (detective work) for several years before, so I want to go back and help them for a while until I make sure I am 100 percent,” he said. “It’s just a really strange disease,s and they won’t put any kind of guarantee on it.”

His family has started a GoFundMe page to help with his medical bills at gofundme.com/danboutwell.
