Interfaith service project planned for Sept. 10 and 11


Pastor Jerry Zehr of Carmel Christian Church is coordinating a community service project to bring together multiple religious affiliations.

Zehr, one of the organizers of the Interfaith Alliance of Carmel, has announced a service project for 3 to 5 p.m. Sept. 10 and 11. Participants can meet at the Monon Trail across from The Palladium to help clean up the trail, a community asset used by many. Attendees will pick up trash, perform basic pruning, collect sticks and do other beautifying tasks, all while connecting with people from different faiths.

“Since Saturday and Sunday mark Sabbath days for different religious traditions, we decided to do a two-day event to encourage even more people to participate,” Zehr said.

Zehr said he chose this weekend because it’s the weekend of 9/11 and it’s important to note how people of many faiths were affected by the terrorist attacks in on the World Trade Center 2001.

“There were Muslims in those towers, too,” Zehr said. “All faiths were affected, and that’s important to remember.”

Water and light snacks will be provided, and at 5 p.m. Sept. 11 there will be a service of celebration to close the event. Participants are asked to wear yellow to show solidarity and be easily recognized.

“We talk about inclusion, welcome, diversity and working together, and this is one opportunity to put our words into action,” Zehr said.
