Fall Festival 2016: The Impalas return to Lions Lounge


By Ann Marie Shambaugh

Jamika Jones of The Impalas entertains guests. (File photo)
Jamika Jones of The Impalas entertains guests. (File photo)

It wasn’t tough to decide who would provide entertainment in the Lions Lounge at the 2016 Fall Festival. The Impalas were such a big hit last year that organizers booked them for this year’s event the next day.

“We had the biggest crowd ever last year,” Lions Lounge organizer Keith Shepherd said. “We had such good feedback.”

Other staples of the lounge, for guests 21 and older, will return, too, including yard games and refillable souvenir mugs.

Guests can also enjoy wine and Sun King beer. They are welcome to purchase food elsewhere at the festival and bring it inside the lounge.

The Lions Lounge opens at 5 p.m. Sept. 10 with The Impalas taking the stage at 7 p.m. The party is expected to last until 11 p.m. or so.

Shepherd said the lounge is a great place for parents of older kids to relax while their children enjoy the carnival, LeoPalooza or other attractions at the Fall Festival.

The cover charge is $5.

“It’s for a good cause. All the proceeds are going to the Lions Club and the park,” Shepherd said. “Adults can find some time to come over and relax and have a beer.”
