By Renee Larr
Sha’arey Yeshua Congregation is inviting the community to a Passover Seder celebration scheduled for 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. April 23 at the Ritz Charles in Carmel.
“It’s a full Passover Seder,” said Sha’arey Yeshua Rabbi Jeffrey Adler. “It’s a celebration of the event of the exodus from Egypt. There are a lot of people who are interested in the Passover and many have not experienced it and would like to do so.”
Guests are required to purchase tickets by April 10. Tickets purchased by April 1 will cost $29 for adults and $15 for children, with tickets purchased April 2 to 10, costing $41 for adults and $20 for children.
“In past years, we did it on a free basis or a pitch-in basis at a school, but the expense just became too great,” Adler said. “This year we had the idea to have a catered event. We’re actually subsidizing the price of the ticket to make it possible for more people to come.”
Sha’arey Yeshua, an Indianapolis-based Messianic Jewish Congregation, will offer a traditional Seder, a catered buffet, music and Israeli dancing at the event.
“Passover in the land of Israel and biblically is always celebrated for seven days. Outside Israel, it’s celebrated for eight, so therefore there is a second Seder night,” Adler said. “We leave the first night free for people to celebrate it with their families and in their homes, which is the way the original Passover was observed, but the second night we have an open Seder for our congregants and for guests.”
Symbolism is an important way to remember historic events during the Seder.
“Each person in a Passover Seder is to see himself as though he himself came out of Egypt with Moses, so it’s a time to experience through the symbolic foods to remember things without tastebuds,” Adler said.
To purchase tickets, or for more, visit