Carmel resident is new owner of Right at Home


By Mark Ambrogi

Van Andrews knows the statistic well; there are 10,000 Baby Boomers turning 65 every day through 2020.


At 64, Andrews will be one of them in July. So he decided to switch gears from his career in the high tech industry to health care.

So the Carmel resident decided to buy an existing Right at Home franchise and has owned it for the past two-plus months. Andrews said it is growing mode right now and plans to add employees,

“I got in this for a couple reasons – one, my mother died of cancer,” said Andrews, whose business is at 450 E. 96th St., Suite 500. “We used hospice, and they were wonderful. The demographics are good for what is going to happen in the future. We’re all living longer, and we’re getting older quicker because of the Boomers.”

Andrews said he chose Right at Home because it has been in business for 20 years. There are more than 500 franchises in seven countries.

“So I have a ton of experience behind me in a large company,” he said.

Andrews owns the rights to north side of Indianapolis, along with Hamilton Co. and Boone Co., among other areas. The other rights are owned by John Kindred, who owns the southern part of Indianapolis.

“John and I work closely to make sure that the Right at Home brand is being built in this area,” Andrews said.

Right at Home caregivers also do light housekeeping, laundry, physical assistance such as dressing, hygiene and medication management. The business serves many clients with Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Andrews said he is doing everything he can to get entrenched in the community and give back.
