West Park master plan meeting – The public is invited to participate in the final West Park Master Plan community meeting at 6:30 p.m. on March 22 at The Village of West Clay Meeting House, 3rd Floor, 2000 N. New Market St. The meeting will feature Neelay Bhatt, a Carmel resident and internationally renowned parks and recreation management and planning consultant. We will look at opportunities to best meet the community’s recreation needs while building upon our programs and services in a sustainable manner.
Holy Week worship – St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Carmel has several worship events during Holy Week: Holy Thursday, 7 p.m. March 24; Good Friday service 7 p.m. March 25; Holy Saturday Song and Story, 7:00 p.m. March 26; Easter Sunday services at 7, 8:15, 9:40 and 11 a.m. Children’s programming during all Sunday worship times. For more information, visit www.stmarkscarmel.org/worship or call 846-4912.
Easter Bunny visit – The Easter Bunny will make his annual appearance at Carmel City Center from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 26 at Hubbard & Cravens, 703 Veterans Way. The Easter Bunny, who will be available for family photos, will be handing out Easter eggs filled with a variety of candy. A balloon artist will also be available to create fun, complimentary balloon creations for children to take home and enjoy! Brunch reservations are available at www.CarmelCityCenter.com. Click on the calendar link.
Anniversary – Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oldfield celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary on March 8. The two were married at Marion Friends Meeting, Marion, in 1946. They have four daughters – Jean, Valery, Nancy and Christina. They also have six grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren.
DECA students advance – At the DECA state competition in Indianapolis Feb. 28 to March 1, 156 students from Carmel High School qualified for DECA’s International Career Development Conference. The event will be held April 23 to 26 in Nashville, Tenn.
Traffic enforcement blitz – Local law enforcement agencies are conducting a campaign to increase awareness and enforcement of dangerous and impaired driving laws. From now through March 27, officers across the state will conduct high-visibility patrols designed to identify and intercept those driving aggressively and under the influence. For more information on Indiana’s efforts on impaired driving prevention and enforcement, visit: www.in.gov/cji/2354.htm.
Kiwanis meetings – Carmel Golden K Kiwanis club meets every Thursday at 10 a.m. at the American Legion Post, 852 W. Main St. Visitors are welcome to attend. For more information, call Don Moehn at 873-1956.
Rotary Club – The Rotary Club of Carmel meets most Fridays at Woodland Country Club, 100 Woodland Ln. Buffet opens at 11:30 with the meeting starting at noon and ending at 1 p.m. Cost is $18. For more information on programs and club activities, please visit us on Facebook.
Agricultural roots – The Carmel Clay Historical Society presents Agricultural Roots at 2 p.m. April 9 at the Carmel Clay Public Library. Hear about Carmel’s farming roots and the most innovative agricultural techniques and nationally recognized livestock of the time. A panel of presenters will speak including John Graves whose grandparents grew up in the location that is now Bub’s Burgers.
History Day contest winners – The Indiana Historical Society recently announced the regional winners of the Indiana History Day competition. Students were encouraged to research a historical subject and create an exhibit, documentary or other project to showcase their subject. Local winners, who are eligible to compete in the state competition in April, include Carmel students Matthew Skaar, Bailey Ward, Rene Pin, Jessica Zhang, Grace Hong, Sitha Vallabhaneni, Caitlin Harshberger, Jay Natarajan, Ethan McAndrews, Max Toubin, Laney McNamar, Sydney Hargis.
Breyer horses on display – The Museum of Miniature Houses presents Breyer Fun Day from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on April 16. Enjoy a substantial display of Breyer horses from the collection of Bea and Harold Abbott, enhanced with manes and tails made from real hair, handmade bridles and saddles and costumed riders. Children can paint their own Breyer Stablemate 4 horse with materials provided. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for kids under age 10.
GOP Breakfast Club – The Hamilton County GOP will hold its March Breakfast Club meeting at 7:30 a.m. on March 30 at The Bridgewater Club, 3535 E. 161st St. U.S. Rep. Susan Brooks will be the guest speaker. Cost is $20 at the door. Memberships can be purchased for $150 and include 12 breakfasts. RSVP online at www.HamiltonCountyGOP.org.
Restoration grants available – Owners of historic properties in Carmel are eligible for a new grant program to restore exterior features. Owner-occupied properties identified in the Commission’s 2014 survey of Carmel and Clay Township are eligible for small, matching grants. The façade application is available on the Commission’s website at http://carmel.in.gov/index.aspx?page=629. To verify if your property is eligible for the program, access the survey online at https://www.ruskinarc.com/city-of-carmel/carmel. Applications are due by April 15.
Shredding event – Crime Stoppers Community SHRED-IT day will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on April 30 at Creekside Middle School, 3525 W. 126th St. A $5 donation is requested per shredding box. Help Crime Stoppers raise their reward fund to keep our communities safe. Recycle small electronics and computers with technology recyclers. A $5 fee for glass TV/Computer monitors will be charged.
Vacation Bible School registration – Registration is open for summer Cave Quest Vacation Bible School at St. Marks United Methodist Church. Meeting from 9 a.m. to noon each day from June 13-17, kids will enjoy upbeat mornings filled with catchy songs, teamwork-building games, an imagination station, Kid-Vid Cinema, and more. Cost is $25 per child up to May 15, $30 after May 15. Register online only at www.stmarkscarmel.org/vbs. For more information, visit the website or call 846-4912.
STEM scholarships available – Nominations are open for the 2016 Mr. and Miss Math and Mr. and Miss Science awards. These awards recognize outstanding high school seniors for their performance in science, technology, engineering, and math. Winning students receive $1,000 college scholarships through Indiana’s CollegeChoice 529 Direct Savings Plan. Nominations can be submitted through April 10 at https://secure.in.gov/apps/mathscienceawards/.
Art contest winners on display – The Museum of Miniature Houses will feature the fifteen winners of the annual Carmel High School Art Department’s “Minumental” competition. Students were challenged to create works of art no bigger than 1 inch x 1 inch x 1 inch, in any medium, to illustrate song lyrics of their choice. The exhibit will run until May. The museum is open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wed.-Sat. and 1 to 4 p.m. on Sunday.
Passover celebration – Messianic Jewish Congregation Shaarey Yeshua invites you to celebrate Passover from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. on April 23 at the Ritz Charles Conference Center, 12156 N. Meridian St. There will be a full Seder, a catered meal, music, and Israeli dancing. Appropriate dress is business attire. Tickets must be purchased by April 10. For more information call 202-0789, email [email protected], or visit www.shaareyyeshua.org.
Student Design Challenge – Hamilton County Area Neighborhood Development and the Hamilton County Leadership Academy have partnered to sponsor the Student Design Challenge for high school students. Entrants will design content to raise awareness of lack of affordable housing in the county. Deadline is April 15. Contest rules are available at www.HandIncorporated.org.
Free art activities – The Art Lab, 33 E. Main St., will offer free art activities on The Arts District’s Second Saturday walks. The next event is from 5 to 7 p.m. on April 9 and is an art tea party. Children bring your favorite doll and create and paint a clay teacup. Parents experience the pottery wheel and get some helpful hints on throwing a pot.
Celebrations series – The Museum of Miniature Houses presents its series Celebrations of Creativity and Craftsmanship on Wednesdays at noon. Upcoming performances include: March 23 – Local artist Pam Newell presents her Impressionist style paintings infused with color and light, and shares her sources of inspiration, her process, and her artistic vision.
Service scholarships available – Scholarships are available from the Carmel chapter of Tri Kappa, an Indiana service organization. Young women residing in Carmel, graduating from any high school, may apply. Two $1500 scholarships will be awarded based on financial need, academic achievement (must have at least a 3.0 GPA), activities and community service. Application deadline is March 26. See your high school counseling office for more information and applications.
Safe Sitter class – The Carmel Fire Department offers a Safe Sitter course for kids ages 11 to 14 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on April 16. Students learn life-saving skills such as how to rescue someone who is choking and helpful information like what to do if there’s severe weather. Cost is $60 and includes CPR training. For more information, contact Keith Freer at 571-4245.