Annual mulch sale to benefit Forest Dale Elementary students


By Mark Ambrogi

There are a great variety of mulches with multiple uses.

Mulch purchased through Forest Dale Elementary’s sale will provide a variety of ways to enhance the students’ education.

“In partnership with the school’s administration, the PTO provides funding for a variety of art, science, physical education, health and technology based programs and equipment support our children in need, as well as supplements to classroom budgets for the purchase of needed materials,” said Debbie Neumann, who is co-chair of the sale with Rebecca Horrocks.

This is the seventh year Forest Dale’s PTO has sponsored the mulch sale in cooperation with Noblesville’s Musselman Farms.

Customers can choose from four mulch delivery dates (March 23, March 24, April 27 or April 28). Neumann said a minimum of three cubic yards must be ordered. There is no delivery fee if the addresses are in Carmel zip codes 46032 or 46033. The orders must be placed by noon exactly one week prior to the chosen delivery date.

Different mulch varieties are available, including playground mulch.

For orders, visit
