Zionsville Town Council makes board appointments, approves code of conduct


By Sam Elliott

The Zionsville Town Council made appointments to two boards and approved a code of conduct for councilors and commissioners at its Aug. 3 meeting.

The council made its first appointments to the new Non-Discriminatory Practices Review Committee, with councilors Tom Schuler, Susana Suarez and Mary Alice Baldwin approved to serve alongside Zionsville resident Paula Taylor-Whitfield.

“She is an attorney for Eli Lilly and I’ve known her for a number of years,” said council President Steve Mundy, who nominated Taylor-Whitfield. “I think she’d make an outstanding addition to this committee.”

The committee is rounded out by mayor-appointee Bob Goodman.

Filling a vacancy on the Parks Board, Suarez nominated resident John Wollenburg, who was approved by the council.

“He lives in Zionsville, has been here since 2006 and he’s the father of three kids,” Suarez said. “He’s an ardent user of the parks system and has some new and exciting ideas for how to make our parks better.”

All new board and committee appointees will now be subject to a new code of conduct, which was also approved at Monday’s meeting. Mundy said the code of conduct had been in development for some time.

“This is a voluntary code of conduct pledge for council members and then the second part is a code of conduct for board, commission and committee appointees,” he said. “This is something we discussed some time ago and have crafted over the last few months.”

Town Manager Ed Mitro presented a pair of resolutions to the council, which both passed. The first was a re-appropriation resolution to move surplus funds within the town’s existing alignment, while the second issued a reimbursement of $38,090 from the Road Impact Fee Fund and Road Impact Fee Review Board for funds spent to build parking spaces in front of Bub’s on South Main Street.

Mitro also presented a petition to the council of behalf of resident Myrene Brown, who addressed the council seeking the town vacate part of an alley next to a home she’s renovating on Sycamore Street. The alley is between Sycamore and Hawthorne.

“I am making the request because it’s my understanding you need a 15-foot setback between property owners and to add a garage on the east side of my property I am short 1 foot without the alleyway,” Brown said. “Once the alley is vacated, I would have more than enough of a proper setback.”

Director of Planning Wayne DeLong said his staff had reviewed information provided by Brown and had no objections to her request.

Zionsville’s next regular Town Council meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Sept. 8.
