Letter: We welcome the Mormon Temple



As members of a very diverse and dynamic interfaith organization, the Center for Interfaith Cooperation enthusiastically welcomes the new Mormon Temple into our community of significant religious landmarks. Our great state is fortunate to have a wide of variety of faith traditions that call central Indiana their home. Such diversity is good for our community’s social, cultural and economic well-being. We believe that the United States is uniquely situated to model ethnic and religious acceptance – even harmony – in a world that is being constantly challenged by division.

In our experience of working directly with members of the Mormon community, we have witnessed overwhelming generosity and a dedication to service that emulates the very best of American values. We encourage you to join us in extending our tradition of Hoosier hospitality as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) dedicate their new temple this summer. To learn more about the Mormon tradition and tour the new temple visit www. templeopenhouse.lds.org. To learn more about interfaith understanding and cooperation visit www.centerforinterfaithcooperation.org


Don Knebel, “Interfaith Ambassador of the Year” and Immediate Past CIC Board Chair

Lindsey Mintz, Current CIC Board Chair

Charlie Wiles, CIC Executive Director


Letter: We welcome the Mormon Temple



As members of a very diverse and dynamic interfaith organization, the Center for Interfaith Cooperation enthusiastically welcomes the new Mormon Temple into our community of significant religious landmarks. Our great state is fortunate to have a wide of variety of faith traditions that call central Indiana their home. Such diversity is good for our community’s social, cultural and economic well-being. We believe that the United States is uniquely situated to model ethnic and religious acceptance – even harmony – in a world that is being constantly challenged by division.

In our experience of working directly with members of the Mormon community, we have witnessed overwhelming generosity and a dedication to service that emulates the very best of American values. We encourage you to join us in extending our tradition of Hoosier hospitality as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) dedicate their new temple this summer. To learn more about the Mormon tradition and tour the new temple visit www. templeopenhouse.lds.org. To learn more about interfaith understanding and cooperation visit www.centerforinterfaithcooperation.org


Don Knebel, “Interfaith Ambassador of the Year” and Immediate Past CIC Board Chair

Lindsey Mintz, Current CIC Board Chair

Charlie Wiles, CIC Executive Director
