Westfield to host Melt the Trail 5K run/walk Feb. 14


The Westfield Parks & Recreation Dept. is hosting a Valentine’s Day themed run/walk on the paved trails at Grand Park on Feb. 14. Registration for the Melt the Trail 5K Run/Walk is at 1:30 p.m. with the race beginning at 2:30 p.m. at parking  lot E.


“This is the parks department’s first 5k run we’re putting on at Grand Park. There have been others out there but this is a first for us,” Westfield Parks Director Melody Jones said. “We have 10 miles of trail there. It’s a great place for anybody to go out and walk or run.”

In addition to being heart healthy on Valentine’s Day, Jones said the event allows the parks department to showcase its offerings.

“The Westfield Parks Dept. keeps all of our trails open all year,” she said. “If they are paved, they are plowed. We want to make sure everyone knows we are open for business.”

Jones said the event will be chip-timed so runners may try for a personal best. Prizes will be awarded for the top three overall male and female finishers. Attendees also are encouraged to get into the valentine’s theme by dressing up in costumes. Jones said awards will be given for best individual costume as well as the best couple/group costume.

“This is truly an opportunity for runners to come out to a timed event. It’s also themed for Valentine’s Day and we want people in their best, crazy décor,” she said.

Jones said there will be activities taking place before and after the race including face painters and a post-race party inside the Field Sports Administration building.

“We’re hoping it’s a day like today, a little chilly but sunny,” she said. “We’re hoping this becomes an annual event and will be our February event.”

Pre-registration is $25 for an individual runner, $45 for a couple or $70 for a group of three to five people. A long sleeved T-shirt is included with pre-registration. For more information or to register, visit www.westfield.in.gov/MelttheTrail. Registration is available online until noon Feb. 12 and the day of the event.
