Myers named Teacher of the Month

Camille Sidebottom (middle) won a pizza party for her class by nominating fifth-grade teacher Dan Myers (right) as Teacher of the Month. Geoffrey Sherman of BMO Harris Bank presented a $100 cash voucher to Myers. (Photos by Ann Marie Shambaugh
Camille Sidebottom (middle) won a pizza party for her class by nominating fifth-grade teacher Dan Myers (right) as Teacher of the Month. Geoffrey Sherman of BMO Harris Bank presented a $100 cash voucher to Myers. (Photos by Ann Marie Shambaugh

January’s Teacher of the Month winner is Dan Myers, a fifth-grade teacher at Zionsville Middle School. He was nominated by student Camille Sidebottom. As a reward, Sidebottom won a pizza party for her class and Myers won a $100 cash voucher from Teacher of the Month sponsor BMO Harris bank. Pizza was sponsored by Amore Pizzeria.

Here is Camille’s winning essay:

I nominate Dan Myers ‘ I can not live without books ‘

“Write” this is what makes me want to have Humanities seven periods. “Revise” this is what improves me as a person. “Show dont tell.” We do sacratic seminars, everybody in the class goes in a circle and we dicuss a topic we were given before to resesarch. I am that kid that can not shut up. I feel safe sharing opinions and disagreeing with my class mates, and learning ‘speak into the silence’ Mr. Myers is truly remarkable.

With Mr. Dan Myers wit, sarcasim, and humar he makes one of Zionsvilles best teachers. The class adors him, I sure do.

To submit an essay and nominate a teacher for the November Teacher of the Month, email a 100-word essay to [email protected]. All essays are due by Feb.15.
