Letter: Statements on the prophet are ‘incorrect’



As a resident of the Zionsville/Carmel area, I came across your article that was published in the Current paper on 01/06/2015. The article was greatly informative and I’ve enjoyed reading it, however, there are slight misunderstandings printed in the article that I feel obligated to note particularly in the last few lines of the fourth paragraph. Firstly, when you stated that, “Muhammad mistakenly concluded that the Christian Trinity consists of God, Mary and Jesus, which he repudiated as a pagan idea,” the statement would be incorrect because Prophet Muhammad at that time was illiterate and he could not read nor write and he never received any formal education. So, for Prophet Muhammad to conclude such a statement would be absurd; knowledge was sacred and was only kept between priests and rabbis.

For a simple merchant and a shepherd, Prophet Muhammad

followed the practice of Prophet Abraham believing in the God he worshiped and at the same time Arabs around Prophet Muhammad were pagans by worshiping idols. All that noting the fact that Prophet Muhammad still never had any source of knowledge of previous prophets or nations before his prophethood so when he received the revelation at the age of 40, his only true source of credible information was the Qur’an. That was sent by Angel Jibreel to Prophet Muhammad and is considered the only true word of God. So,

it would seem logical that if Prophet Muhammad were to conclude a statement such as “the Christian Trinity consists of God, Mary and Jesus, which he repudiated as a pagan idea” than he must have received this knowledge from the Qur’an. No, that would still be a false assumption.

The concept of trinity is actually denounced in the Qur’an and this would be considering God as one of three, Jesus to be the son of God, and Mary to be part of the trinity like you stated in the article. Mary, as written in the Qur’an, is considered to be an honorable lady from the children of Israel and related to Prophet Zakariya, with a whole chapter (chapter 19)  in the Qur’an dedicated to Mary. Overall, Mary being associated with a trinity is never mentioned in the Qur’an, in fact, chapters 1 & 3 of the Qur’an state anyone who associated God as one of three were considered infidels. In chapter 18 titled “The Cave”, verse 4, it is clearly stated, “And to warn those who say God has begotten a son”. Finally, the point made here is that Prophet Muhammad has never formed any conclusion or associated anyone with God unlike what is written in the article. Prophet Muhammad was just a man who became the messenger of God with the Qur’an as his only guidance.

Nouran Amin

P.S. I appreciate you taking the time to read my response. I will be glad to discuss this over phone or email and I’m more than happy to lend you a copy of the Qu’ran so that you may check for yourself.

Thank you again.
