By Melissa Hicks
Jake Mansfield is part owner of Mobius Learning in Carmel and has been a Noblesville resident for two years.
Have you had a boss or colleague you admired? If so, why? Matt Oaldon. He’s the one who spurred me on to do my master’s degree and he is very focused on doing the right thing rather than doing the thing right.
What would be the first thing you’d want to tell someone new to the community? I would tell them that if they need a friend to get started in the community, they are welcome at our place. We love meeting new people.
If you had to describe yourself as an ice-cream flavor, would you be vanilla, chocolate or strawberry? Why? It would be vanilla. Not because I’m boring but because you can make vanilla turn into anything. It can be adaptable.
What do you do in your spare time? I love to exercise, be with my wife, go on walks, enjoy reading and when I get the chance I like to do sculpture.
What do you like most about your community? Well, where we live it seems like we’re all very close neighbors and so everybody is always looking out for another person or inviting people to dinner. Our community seems to be very tight-knit and a lively place.
Five Minutes With is a recurring feature of Current in Noblesville. If you or someone you know would like to be featured, please e-mail [email protected].