Meet your teacher, Beth Salsman


CIW-COM-Teacher Salsman

Grade/subject: First grade, Washington Woods Elementary

Number of years teaching: 11

Background/schooling: Crown Point (Ind.) High School and bachelor’s in elementary education from Indiana University-Bloomington.

Why did you become a teacher? As a little girl, I loved playing school and I loved going into my mom’s classroom to help her. As a high school student, I was able to be a cadet teacher with one of my favorite former teachers. In college, I worked part time at a preschool and did tutoring at a local elementary school. I think all of those amazing experiences just naturally led me to become a teacher.

What goals do you have for your students? I want all of my students to find a love for learning and to know that hard work can help them reach their full potential.

What do you encourage parents to do at home to help their children strengthen particular skills? Read to your child, listen to your child read and talk about the books you are reading. Reading at home, especially when your children are young, is so important for developing strong literacy skills.

What is your favorite movie? “Hoosiers.”

Who is your favorite musician or band? Coldplay

What’s something your students might not know about you? There are 15 teachers in my family.
