Column: Work continues on the bucket list


Commentary by Heather Kestian

In the last year, the world has lost a number of amazing people. I realize this happens every year, but as I age, I realize more and more that those awesome people are people I actually know. This prompts two realizations. First, I am getting older. Second, it is time to update my bucket list.

I wrote my first bucket list in graduate school. There is nothing quite like spending a couple of years on all things esoteric. I had the opportunity to ask (maybe not fully answer): What is the meaning of life? How should I spend my days, weeks, months, years? Frozen or on the rocks? I digress.

As I sit and attempt to update my bucket list, I wonder: Why am I completing this exercise? I know I am mortal and I try to live each day to the fullest. I admit that I drown in the mundane most days. Wake up, brush teeth, gets kids where they need to go, get myself where I need to go, help others, eat, sleep, help some more, go to sleep. Rinse and repeat.

But there are the glorious parts of each day: the hugs and kisses from my darlings, the unsolicited “I love you, Mama,” and a thank you or two from my co-workers. I particularly enjoy my morning sunrise drives and I say a quick thank you to God for allowing me to see the beginning of what could be the best day of my life. I have had a few of those “today is the best day!” When I am really lucky, another day outdoes the day before and for those special days, I am grateful.

If it all ends tomorrow, I have to believe that I met my goal: to leave the world better than I found it (except for my bathroom sink, my apologies to my better half).

However, I am someone who writes things down and I am a creator of lists. Most of my lists are an attempt to remember what it is I need to remember. I believe it to be inevitable that someday memories will fade and I like to look back on dreams long since past and relive those thoughts. So it goes. I currently find myself thinking about what I want to accomplish before the end.
