Five minutes with Angela Ryser Bahling


By Melissa Hicks

CIW-COM-5 MIN BahlingAngela Ryser Bahling works at Weas Engineering as an administrative assistant and event coordinator. She has been a Westfield resident for 10 years.

What is the first thing you like to tell people about yourself? Probably when I’m meeting strangers I always refer to myself as a mother. I waited a long time to have a child. Not anything other than a choice to wait and I am very blessed to have a wonderful daughter.

Do you have a special childhood memory? I grew up in Bloomington. We took advantage of the university and the preforming arts departments that they had there … We saw plays, musical, ballets, operas, those kinds of things. It made me appreciate music and the performing arts.

Do you have a pet? If not what kind would you want? We do have a pet. Her name is Lilly, she is a family member, and she’s a yellow Lab mix. We don’t know what she’s mixed with. I think it might be Chow. She’s a very happy girl.

What is one thing you would change about your community? My biggest pet peeve is that the community does not support local businesses. The downtown has a lot of turnover, and it’s because everybody goes to Carmel to shop, to eat and do all that stuff. So that’s the biggest thing I would change, is more involvement in the local businesses.

What is your favorite quote? Henry David Thoreau: “The language of friendship is not words but meaning.” I try to remember this in all of my encounters with others.

Five Minutes With is a recurring feature of Current in Westfield. If you or someone you know would like to be featured, please e-mail [email protected].
