Five minutes with Mikki Le


By Melissa Hicks

CIN-COM-5 MIN Le 09.23Meet Mikki Le, a hair artist and owner of Tanglez Hair Studio on the Square. She has lived in Noblesville for 16 years.

What is your favorite restaurant and why?

“I do like Ginger’s Café. It’s locally owned, their food variety seems to attract all ages of people.”

What is something nobody knows about you?

“I did live abroad for a year and a half in Worthing, West Sussex England.”

Do you have a pet?

“I always wanted a black Lab and I have one now. She’s a rescue dog about a year and a half old.”

What do you see as opportunities for your community?

“Parking in downtown Noblesville. There is not enough parking. Especially with restaurants downtown or any business, we want to attract people to come in … I also feel like semis should not come through here … It could be so much quieter out there on the road if it was cars and basic road trucks.”

What do you like most about your community?

“Well the people are friendly, but I do like that we have so many local activities to bring people together, and they’re free events for the most part.”

Five Minutes With is a recurring feature of Current in Noblesville. If you or someone you know would like to be featured, please e-mail [email protected].
