Column: Southwest quadrant gets own voice


Commentary by Cindy Benedict

Do you live between Maple and Christian avenues and Eighth Street and White River? If so, I’d like to invite you to a special meeting at 6 p.m. Sept. 11. It will be right in your neighborhood at Gathering, 675 S. Eighth St., so you can even walk to it. I encourage all residents and business owners in the neighborhood to come because it is really important for you and your families.

The City of Noblesville is hosting an open meeting for residents to develop their own neighborhood revitalization plan. You’ll get information about your neighborhood – like how many homes and businesses are in the “Southwest Quad.” But also other things like how many sidewalk curb cuts are wheelchair accessible, the number of empty lots, and other interesting bits of data. You’ll learn about what other neighborhoods have done to keep their areas clean, safe and friendly. And then the important work begins. You help generate ideas to keep this important neighborhood vibrant. So bring your worries and concerns but also bring your hopes and desires for your neighborhood.

This will be the first of three neighborhood meetings – all at Gathering, 6 p.m. and Thursdays. The other dates are Oct. 9 and Nov. 13, so mark your calendar now. At the first meeting on Sept. 11, we will have a short remembrance ceremony at the beginning to honor the fallen heroes of 9/11.

What do you have to gain by coming? Well, you’ll get to meet your neighbors and share your ideas on what makes a great neighborhood. You’ll get a simple meal. You’ll learn about the planning effort but you also get to make a difference in the actual plan. In fact, the outcome of this effort will be a neighborhood revitalization plan that you and your neighbors will have a part in implementing.

Mayor John Ditslear is committed to community engagement because that is our Noblesville history – we’ve always tried to be a community that cares for each other. As the city grows larger, we have to make sure we also grow closer by continuing to develop our strong commitment to neighborhoods. We want to make sure that your voice is heard as together we keep one of Noblesville’s oldest sections vibrant. That can only happen if you are at the table – eating, sharing and planning together.

I hope to see you there.
