Balloons help recruitment soar for pack 105


Scouting Pack 105, a pack with the Crossroads of America Council, went above and beyond for Cub Scout recruitment this year.

Their recruitment event was originally scheduled for Tuesday, Aug.19, but due to unreasonable weather was moved to Wed. Aug. 20, at Union Elementary School.

For the first time in the pack’s history, Zionsville youth were introduced to Cub Scouting through hot air ballooning, mock Roman Chariot races and strongman semi-truck pulls.

Cubmaster, Jeremy Morin, joined forces with pack volunteers to plan this idiosyncratic event to showcase the versatility of the scouting experience.

For those who were unable to attend, but are interested in joining Scouting, visit For more information on Scouting, call 813-7125 or 877-925-1900 or visit
