Column: A pose from Yoga Sal 



Commentary by Sally Brown Bassett 

Stand tall like a mountain

Seems simple, doesn’t it? To stand tall and have good posture is not a given in our society. Most people do not balance perfectly on both legs, leading to ailments which can be avoided. The Mountain Pose, or Tadasana, has you mimic a mountain by standing tall and steady. It is an active pose that helps improve posture, balance, calm focus, and is the foundation for all other standing yoga postures. It has been said that if you do yoga regularly you do not loose height as you grow older. It is worth trying Mountain pose because you can do it anytime, anywhere.


  • Stand with your feet together – big toes touching and heels slightly open. If you have trouble balancing, stand with your feet six inches apart (or wider).
  • Extend your arms along the sides of your body and fingers pointing down. Feel your weight equally on all four corners of both feet.
  • From the waist down, feel like you are pressing your feet firmly into the ground by engaging your thighs, kneecaps, chins, and calves. Tuck your tailbone.
  • From the waist up, feel like you are lifting and finding space. Lift your shoulders up and back. Keep your chin level and your head and spine in a straight line.
  • Breathe steadily and rhythmically. Draw your awareness inward. Focus on the present moment, letting all worries and concerns fade away. Hold the pose for 20-30 seconds.

Stand tall and practice Mountain Pose throughout your normal day – while brushing your teeth, standing in line, or taking the elevator. Once you have a hang of the correct alignment, you may find yourself standing and sitting straighter throughout your day with reduced back pain and a calm, clear mind.

May you enjoy this quote from international yogi, Seane Corn, who I have had the pleasure of traveling with to Cambodia and Uganda. “Breathe and all will be revealed; love and all will be healed. This is yoga.”

Until next time…

