Cravens files for Boone County Council


Chip Cravens has filed for Boone County Council representing voting precincts Center 5 and 16, Eagle 5, 6, 10, 13, 19, and 20, Harrison, Perry, Union 1,2, and Worth 1 and 2.  Cravens with his wife, Lori, raised their two sons in Boone County and he has been a resident for the past 37 years.

Cravens has served his community through the years as a Board member of Zionsville Community Schools, serving as President and Vice President, as a Reserve Sheriff Deputy, and as an active member of Zionsville Fellowship Church.  Retiring from a successful career as General Manager of Cory Orchard and Turf, a tri-state agricultural chemical distribution company, he understands the financial and safety needs of Boone County. He promises to go on record with his votes and will not abstain from any votes put before him. Cravens believes in transparency of government and looks forward to hearing from County residents about the issues that concern them most.

The Boone County Council controls the funding and the tax rate for the county. This is a pivotal election as the Council deals with methods to adjust to the recent tax caps that are now part of the state’s constitution. Increasing taxes is not an option Cravens wants to use, and will work hard to protect Boone County taxpayer’s money through careful management of the money that the taxpayers have invested in Boone County.

Although there are no term limits with regard to county council, Chip pledges to not serve over three terms.  Chip would appreciate your vote on May 6.
