It was heartening to learn last week that the Westfield Mayor’s Youth Assistance Program, the first of its kind in Hamilton County, has been granted $50,000 by Legacy Fund. We’ve watched Westfield’s program evolve through the last five years, and we are proud to sponsor it annually. This kind of shot in the arm will help the initiative continue to make a significant difference for at-risk and otherwise troubled children in our midst. Legacy Fund, an affiliate with the Central Indiana Community Foundation, has served Hamilton County since 1991. The Youth Assistance Program, launched in Westfield in 2009, states that it strives to build a healthy community for tomorrow by extending a helping hand to the youth of today through family assistance, tutoring and mentoring. For more information on Legacy Fund, visit For more on the Youth Assistance Program, visit We commend Legacy Fund on its grant, which will be money well spent.
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With its grand opening still more than two and a half months away, Grand Park already has had 30,000 visitors in the two weeks since it began its inaugural run. This is not surprising to us, given the spread of amenities and opportunities the operation provides at multiple levels. In fact, we anticipate every year will bring a new attendance record. Watch and see if you agree with us.
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We realize the primary election is more than a month away, but it’s never too soon to research and listen to the many candidates eligible for May 6 polling. Closer to voting day, we’ll provide an election primer, one that will be part of Current on May 3. We don’t like to deliver on Election Day, so you’ll have your paper the Saturday before.