Opinion: Hey, Noblesville! You really like us!


The next sentence is a pleasure to write. Current in Noblesville rates highly with many of you as a leading source of information. We suspected as much, but then along came the results of the 2013 National Citizen Survey, for which the City of Noblesville included three questions of special interest. One question asked residents about how much, if at all, several sources of information were relied on. Other than word of mouth (47 percent), Current in Noblesville (40 percent) by far led the way as a “major source.” An Indianapolis newspaper (21 percent) and another Noblesville newspaper (17 percent) trailed in the findings as “minor sources.” If you know anything about us, you know we were founded – and thrive – on the results of independent marketplace research. To us, there is nothing quite like impartial querying by a research firm and honest responses from participants. This data from the National Citizen Survey falls right in line with what we believed to be the case, and now we know for certain. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you with the news and information you told us, through another independent survey, that you wanted each week, and we will continue to do just that. We find research to be the fuel that fires our engines, and it’s something we never will abandon. Thank you, sincerely, for using Current in Noblesville, and please let us know if there is anything we can do to improve your reading experience. You may write us at [email protected], or you may write Robert Herrington, Current in Noblesville’s managing editor, at [email protected].

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We realize the primary election is more than a month away, but it’s never too soon to research and listen to the many candidates eligible for May 6 polling. Closer to voting day, we’ll provide an election primer, one that will be part of Current on May 3. We don’t like to deliver on Election Day, so you’ll have your paper the Saturday before.
