Moving forward


INDOT, officials provide a status update on U.S. 31 construction 

By Lauren Olsen

Construction of U.S. 31 is entering year four and recent developments have closed interchanges and congested traffic to single lanes. INDOT consultants Jason Rowley, design manager and engineer, and Jill Hoffmann, Empower Results president, who have been a part of this project since the draft of the environmental analyses, shared the details of what should be expected as the project moves towards completion in 2015.

“Our goal is to reduce congestion and improve safety,” said Hoffmann. “This project area stretches about 13 miles from I-65 to Ind. 38, and is linked to other projects in South Bend and Kokomo in order to move regional commerce up and down U.S. 31.”

A major part of the construction project, expected to be completed by Thanksgiving, took place on April 4 – the closure of U.S. 31 between Old Meridian and 136th Street. The motivation to move up the construction date was to “keep the project on schedule, finish the job, and finish U.S. 31 by 2015,” said Rowley.

“The schedule is very realistic, pending any bad weather or utility relocation delays,” he said. “The contractors are very experienced, and they know what they are doing.”

In addition to the closure on U.S. 31, another big area of construction is the U.S. 31 and Ind. 32 intersection.

“U.S. 31 & Ind. 32 will both remain open during construction in Westfield. Traffic on U.S. 31 will be shifting to share the northbound half of the highway in early April. It will remain in this configuration through this year, and both directions will shift to share the new southbound side next year,” INDOT Spokesman Nathan Riggs said.

Mandy Williams, property manager of Maple Knoll Apartments, is particularly looking forward to this part of the construction project.

“We are located about one and a half miles from the U.S. 31/ Ind. 32 Intersection. So I know the construction will affect people coming to our property. But I’m excited for it to be finished because people will then get to our property easier,” she said.

Although the project is projected to finish by October 2015, beautification will still be an open item.

“The context sensitive design elements are intended to mimic Indiana’s natural history … the walls are custom form liners designed to mimic Indian limestone rock outcropping. The plants selected for the landscaping are native and naturalized plants,” Hoffmann said.

“U.S. 31 is a gift to us from the Major Moves Plan. It was Gov. Mitch Daniels’ very innovative and bold move to lease the toll road for $3.8 billion,” said Westfield Mayor Andy Cook. “A project like U.S. 31 wouldn’t even be happening if it weren’t for that bold move.”

So, what do the residents’ think of this major undertaking?

“If you ask most people they will say it’s going very well. The citizens are very happy with the program,” Cook said.

For updates on the project, visit

Completed Work

– U.S. 31/Ind. 38 interchange complete

– 146th Street bridge over U.S. 31 complete

– U.S. 31/Keystone Parkway/146th Street interchange complete

– Demolition and clearing contracts ongoing

– Local roadway adjustments

2014 Closures in Carmel

• Smokey Row: June through August

• 131st Street/U.S. 31: Now through October

• 131st Street/Penn Street: April through June

• Access at U.S. 31/126th St: April

• 126th St/U.S. 31: October to spring 2015

• Access at U.S. 31/111th St: June

• Northbound U.S. 31 to westbound I-465: May to June

2014 Closures in Westfield

Closures expected to begin in spring:

• 203rd Street/U.S. 31 (Permanent) – Approximately 60 days

• Poplar Street – Approximately 60 days

Closures expected to begin in summer

• 191st Street/East Street – Approximately 45 days

• Tomlinson Road/Blackburn Road – Approximately 45 days

• Blackburn Road/U.S. 31 (Permanent) – Approximately 60 days

• Shamrock Boulevard – Approximately 60 days

• Westfield Park Drive/Westfield Park Road – Approximately 45 days
