The Noblesville Boys & Girls Club and park’s department are partnering to provide a “vacation at home” for students ages 7 to 12 on March 31 through April 4.
“It’s the first time for us to provide a spring break camp,” Noblesville Parks Recreation Director Susie Davis said. “We’re really excited about it. We think it’s going to be fun and a true spring break for the kids that join us.”
The camp runs 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily with before and after care provided. Cost is $125 and includes all park admission and program fees. Davis said supplementary before and after care is provided from 7:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. for an additional $25 for the week.
“We really wanted to provide something for the kids that was special instead of hanging out in a building at the parks or a classroom at a school,” she said.
Davis said the schedule includes trips to various Noblesville parks (March 31); Indy Islands Splash Park (April 1); Mounds State Park in Anderson (April 2); Fort Benjamin Harrison State Park (April 3); and the Discovery Center at Eagle Creek Park (April 4).
“In each situation we will have an indoor plan. We won’t cancel trips or programs because we have springtime weather,” Davis said.
Davis said the program has space for 60 children and will include a 1:8 ratio with adults on all trips.
“Most of our day camp counselors spend their year as teachers,” she said.
Children can be signed up through the Noblesville Boys & Girls Club if they are members or the parks department at or 770-5750.