Opinion: Guess who has office hours now


We have written a decent amount since founding this newspaper about Launch Fishers. It’s a sterling idea whose time had come when it was founded and it’s evermore so today. Which is why you’ll find Ann Craig-Cinnamon, our new Current in Fishers managing editor, holding down a desk there – when she’s not out in the community digging up stories or attending events. Please stop by and visit with her, share your ideas, tips, concerns and – Oh, why not? – compliments. The initiative was born as a collaborative effort between the Town of Fishers and entrepreneur John Wechsler, and it has grown dramatically in the last year-plus. Innovative startups live there. That’s the environment Ann wanted to be a part of, and so we and Launch made it happen. It just makes sense for a high-energy business (ours) to be associated with that ilk in day-to-day operations. Check Ann’s availability at [email protected].

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You might recall from previous tomes that we place a premium on research, and so it was with great interest that we read last week’s Wall Street Journal/NBC poll results. They pointed out that the overall electoral milieu for Democrats is worse than it was in 2010, when the Republicans had their best midterm performance since Harry S. Truman was president. President Barack Obama’s job-approval rating is at an all-time low of 41 percent. While Western Europe is at risk, among other crisis issues, Obama was playing golf. Of course he was. One other point: The poll respondents were divided on Obamacare, with 49 percent saying (as we have) that it’s a bad idea, and 39 percent saying it was a good idea. The bottom line here: The Republicans will find a way to screw up the advantage. Bank on it.

