For many generations now, the youth of America has failed to see the point in voting. Whether they don’t care about politics or they’re not properly informed, voting for the younger population is much lower.
That being said, and what Obama has said numerous times, it’s time for change. I think that if schools didn’t just teach students the three different branches and what they’re used for, but instead focused more on what each branch does and how it works, we would see an increase in not only better understanding of politics, but also grades. (?)
Students who are 18 need to understand that their vote really does make a difference. Students need to have more of an insight on what is going on in school. For example, this year Noblesville has adapted using iPads to our curriculum. Now, if you ask a teacher what they think, I’m sure they can give you a valid opinion. But only a student’s opinion can truly be counted, because they will be firsthand users of the IPads and faced with the challenges of the transition. Sometimes younger students understand more than we think. With their vote, knowledge, and opinion of the world, it could change things. Technology is only going to improve and this generation knows how to use it better. The students who you are teaching now are the future of American and will one day be in charge.
Gen Zatkoff
Noblesville High School senior