Chelsea Hunter, a 2010 graduate of Zionsville High School and now a Senior at Purdue University, West Lafayette has been notified she is one of two recipients of the Outstanding Supplemental Instruction Leader award. The award will be given to Hunter at the International Conference on Supplemental Instruction in May. There are over 2,500 institutions in 30 countries that have trained in this program. Purdue University will receive the Outstanding SI Program award at the conference.
Chelsea is in her fifth semester as an SI leader for Biology 110 and Biology 111 at Purdue. The professor for these classes, Dr. Bos, and Chelsea were also selected to present at the conference on how a supportive faculty can improve the success of an SI program. This is in addition to the presentation she will make as part of winning the award.
This is the web site for the International Center for Supplemental Instruction:
This is the Purdue SI site: ; Chelsea is included in the video on the main page and under the “Meet your SI leader” tab.