By Nancy Edwards
Those looking for a creative way to spend an evening with friends, celebrate a birthday or enjoy a bachelor party may want to check out The BrewsLine.
New to Hamilton County, The Brewsline is an educational, yet fun, guided bus tour that takes groups of up to eight people to several breweries in the area, including Barley Island, Bier Brewery, Triton Brewing Company, Carmel Upland Brewing Company, Union Brewing Company, and Brooks & Brews.
Fishers resident Daryl Sopocci, 52, began this innovative idea after touring breweries as a hobby while traveling around the country.
“I’ve been a fan of craft beer before it was fashionable,” he said.
As Sopocci began to notice a growing interest in craft beer among Hamilton County residents, he decided that the area could use a touring bus so that people could have the convenience of touring local breweries locally as opposed to driving to downtown Indianapolis to hop a bus.
“As I talk to people about the concept, they say ‘We’ve been waiting for this,’” Sopocci said.
Tours begin as the bus picks up guests at a locally designated spot. Guests are dropped off and picked up at the breweries, where they sample three to four tastings of their current brews.
While riding the bus, guests learn trivia about the brewing companies they tour. The event’s purpose is education and enjoyment. At the end of the tour, guests are brought back to their pick-up location.
Drinks purchased at breweries are allowed on the bus and may be stored in a cooler.
Tickets, at $35 per person, may be purchased online at It’s recommended to purchase tickets a minimum of 48 hours in advance. Private tours may be booked by calling 661-1334 or by email at [email protected].
Sopocci said he welcomes feedback. So far, guests seem to be having a good time.
“It’s always nice when patrons hug you at the end of the tour,” Sopocci said.