Pay it forward


By Nancy Edwards

Anyone who has attended a church services knows that, before the sermon, ushers pass around a collection plate so that attendees may give their money to support the church or missions.

Ushers serving with Northview Church, which has campuses in Fishers, Carmel and West Lafayette, surprised their attendees recently by passing envelopes with money in them, from $10 to $50, to use at their disposal. A total of $83,000 among all three campuses was passed out to attendees.

Northview Church’s Lead Pastor Steve Poe instructed attendees to pray about what God wanted them to do with the cash and pay it forward for the good.

When I learned of this amazing gesture, my mind immediately went to those in need who are going through challenges they never would have expected and could desperately benefit from this kind of support. Good people like Isabel and Mia Carter, a mother and daughter who live in Fishers.

On Thanksgiving Day, Mia, a 12-year-old energetic girl with a bright smile who attends Fishers Junior High School, suddenly collapsed in her home from back pain and couldn’t walk.

An MRI showed a blood clot pressing on her spinal cord, causing paralysis from the chest down. Mia was diagnosed with Spinal Arteriovenous Malformation, an abnormal tangle of blood vessels on, in or near the spinal cord. In a spinal AVM, blood passes from the arteries to the veins, bypassing the capillaries. This blood flow disruption causes cells in the spinal tissues to deteriorate or die.

Mia is now in Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, where she is receiving physical therapy. She is slowly regaining strength in her arms, however, it is unknown if she will be able to walk. Mia is scheduled to return home at the end of January. She will need access to a wheelchair accessible home and van, around-the-clock care, and help paying for her medical expenses. Her mother, Isabel, is working part time.

Isabel’s good friend, Cynthia Neff, has created a web site for those who feel led to help with Mia’s expenses:

Take a moment to think of how many families just like the Carters that could benefit from your help. How many churches that could follow Northview’s example, how many attendees that could provide a financial miracle for someone in need?

Well done, Northview!







